March 2016

4 Ways To Grow A Business

We all want to grow our business. There are fundamentally only four ways to ensure growth and in previous editions we have examined the first two ways (#1 Increase the Number of Ideal Customers &  #2 Get the Customers to Buy More Often) - and in this edition of The Business Accelerator Magazine we look at #3 – Increase the Average Sale Value.

Who Wants To Grow Their Business In 2016?

Some business owners still don’t think they need a website (according to a 2016 US report conducted by Clutch) with 46% still not having a website. The Clutch survey also suggests only 68% of websites are responsive which means the other 32% have been blocked by Google and are invisible on a mobile device.

Negative Gearing - Negative Or Positive?

Creating wealth through purchasing an investment property is a well-established practice in Australia. Buy the right property in the right location and you are on the path to prosperity. If it was only that easy! This article compares the tax impact on a pair of taxpayers, one who owns a rental property and one who doesn’t.

Splitting Assets From A SMSF

A marriage breakdown and the subsequent split of assets is always complicated but if those assets are held within a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) then there can be a whole further set of complications.

Before You Hit The Business Start-Up Button

Starting a new business necessitates risk and your marketing could be the difference between gloom and boom. There are plenty of marketing ‘must haves’ for a start-up business but there are also some things you should avoid.

With All The Will In The World

Do you have a current Last Will & Testament? Someone without one that passes away is known to have died Intestate (without a Will) and there are various State and Territory laws that dictate what happens to the estate in that circumstance.