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Key Ingredients for Business Success (Part 2)
Most people for one reason or another contemplate starting their own business. While there’s no magic potion or secret formula that
guarantees business success, highly successful businesses have some common characteristics that we will explore across a series of articles.
In this instalment, we look at the importance of marketing and systemisation...
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Locks in Director ID Deadline
The new Director ID regime was passed in Parliament in June last year and is now law. Existing company directors have until 30 November 2022
to apply but new directors appointed between 1st November 2021 and 4 April 2022 have just 28 days from appointment to apply and directors
appointed 5th April 2022 onwards must apply before appointment...
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Do New Businesses Fail?
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the way we live, work and play. While the pandemic has posed a threat to lives and livelihoods,
there’s clear evidence that people have struggled to balance the hybrid work model particularly when combined with home schooling
duties. After 18 months of uncertainty people are doing a lot of soul-searching and a chunk of the population are re-evaluating various
parts of their lives including their employment or self-employment...
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New Stapled Super Fund Rules – What Do Employers Need to Do?
Superannuation stapling came into effect from 1 November 2021 for new employees and employers will need to ensure their onboarding process
complies with the ATO’s new ‘super stapling’ requirements...
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Preparing to Sell Your Business
It's an emotional moment when you finally make the decision that it's time to sell your business. All those long hours, customer dramas and
financial risks will loom large in your mind but the buyer isn't interested in how much work you've put into your 'baby', they want to see
financial proof that the asking price is justified....
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